How Does It Work?

Step 1: Become a Reseller
As soon as you become a reseller you get a Reseller Discount on all of our products. This discount will allow you to purchase our products for a much cheaper prices and then resell them to generate long-term profit from your clients.

Step 2: Decide What Kind of Company You Want to Run
As our reseller you get a few options. You can act as a hosting company, providing your customers with our hosting/site building solutions. On the other hand you can act as a web designer company, becoming a one-stop-shop by providing your customer with "design+hosting+content management" all in one inclusive service - thus maximizing your profit.

Step 3: Establish Your Business
As a reseller you will be able to open your own site and use it to run your own on-line site building buisness. With this site you will be able to operate under your own separate brand - setting your own prices, conducting your own promotion and advertising campaigns and choosing your own marketing strategies. Basically, you will be selling our products as if they were your own.

Step 4: Evolve
Find your target audience. Establish your customer base. Use your profit to push your business potential even further. Invest money in advertising and time in SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Soon you will see that for the relentless the sky is the limit.

Open your own reseller account now!

Acting as one-stop-shop company mostly suits those who are already involved in the field of website design. For web designers our system opens a wide range of new opportunities, allowing to generate extra long-term profits from almost every customer, simply by providing them with hosting solutions.
Also it allows designers to establish a constant connection with their clients, making sure that they will not seek hosting solutions elsewhere, thus falling into the hands of the competition.  

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Can I lose money?
No business is "risk free", but in this case we made sure that your risks are cut down to a minimum. In other words, since there is no "stock" involved, you don`t have to buy any of our products until you get an order from your client. This means that, thanks to your Reseller Discount, every deal you make with will earn you 100% guarantied profit!
The only money you risk loosing is the money you decide to invest in advertising and other promotional efforts. 

How much can I earn?
Since you get to set your own prices,  you will decide what your share of the profit will be. But even if your price tags are the same as ours, you still be able to generate up to 46% profit from each sale due to Reseller Discount.
Example: By selling our 24 month Gold Package at it`s original cost of 724.56$ you will earn 309.29$ on each deal you make.  

But it dosen`t have to stop there!
Remember, as a reseller you act as your own business with you own prices and services. Thus you can charge higher prices, generating even more profits. You can alsow offer your clients special all-in-one deals like "Site Design+Site Management+Site Hosting". Price tags for such inclusive offers can (and usually do) reach thousands of dollars. For you, all this "extra" cost will translate into pure profit, as we supply you with site design and management tools absolutely for free!

Will I be able to operate under my own brand as a completely separate company?

Can I  try it before I buy it?
Yes. We offer our resellers a 30 day trial. All you need is your domain name and you are ready to go!


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